



Web Monetizing

In this day an age of the Wild West Of The Internet, the big Thang is, everyone is competing over Y-O-U-R Data!! They Want Your Info Bad, either it being your email address, what you shop for, where you surf on the internet, what articles you click on while browsing social media, and who you follow on either Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook as a few examples.. Advertisers can hone in on what you fancy the most or totally dislike.. In certain ways, it's interesting to see more focused ads on your desires, in other ways.. it's just plain creepy.

So on that note tho, we are all trying to block the ads as well ha, and I say "we" cause I think they can be distracting, and a little over bearing at times.. + plus all the reasons I named above..

But on the other hand, as a blogger or content creator, we look for different avenues to make a little money on the side.. So then, we have to go back to the idea of ads and such.. Of course, we need to make a little dough? why would we want to spend that time away for nothing, and it's not just the thing about free, it's it takes time to research or build the sites, it's actual work to obtain the info, or build up others sites or social newtworks for nothing in return? These are the questions that come up.. Maybe you've tried Web Monetizing your Youtube chanel, or getting paid by the click from advertisers.. Either way there are a ton of companies, willing to pay you for a little bit of sharing some info and space on your website, blog, or vlog.

The Next question is, who do you choose and how? Do you pick a company like Youtube, Google, or One of the many new browser companies trying to enter the game? Have played around with Youtube, and am newish to a few companies one being Coil, and the other is Brave Browser..

Ok, the differences and the cool unique features of all these.. First, if you monetize with someone like Youtube, what you're getting is, money for each time someone watches your video, in exchange they are loading commercials in your video, either one to a few videos depending on how much your trying to get paid for your content.. Pro's is you get paid per video, cons is some viewers don't like watching annoying commercials, and monetizing with youtube it only works on youtube, not your blog or websites you create "videos only".. so that's where the debate or possibly the new monetizing systems developed from.. People didn't like seeing the popup ads, or clickbait sites, the commercials were ruining the user experience, they wanted to monetize other creations besides videos as well.. So now some of the new companies, just monitor your users in the background, and check and gather the analytics of users traffic, for a small fee, they took away the ads..

This next one is called Coil. They're a company out of San Fransico, that recently opened up (2018 - 2019), or branched off of somewhat from Ripple.. I had super high expectations for this one cause I'm a hodler of xrp and I dig Ripples technology, but it kinda reminded me of a multi use utility tool, "those never work out good in my eyes"... Some might say, well what about a Leatherman, or a Swiss Army Knife, those are good multi use utility tools? My response would be, Yes I agree those are good products, but go work on a contruction site with only one of those you'll be cryin for a drill by 10 am ha.. Same with Coil, they need to just stick to one idea, and go with that, are they trying to be a social network site, a web monetization company, an advertising firm, or a browser? The browser does nothing all that special, or at least from a customers point of view, and you have to enable it to view their site and surfing the web, that's how other content creators get paid? so at least make it that the browser has other really cool features or some other reason for us to want to use it, or feel that we need it.. cause at the moment the features, all of them are subpar.. but for real, if you go to their site and became a member or creator, it's hard to even search for anything or other users.. Yes I have definitly tried emailing their support team a few times, a very poor responding company in the game as well ha.. For real, if you aren't a big youtube or twitter star, they will not respond, or at least in a timely fashion.. as of this blog I'm still waiting on a response 6 days later lol.. next question people ask is, how much have I earned with them, having my different sites and my chanel monetized with? in around 6 months, I have earned 0 XRP "Updated 2 XRP".. I was part of their beta program, so i've had early access.. Also My opinion comes from what I've seen with the mulitple people that I've helped sign up, and help create accounts for. They as well have not earned either from the Coil site "and their content is good".... I do gotta say tho, I feel there is some potential for the right person, or even business, if done right, you could make some money.. maybe my experiences and people I know were fluke chances.. cause online people say it's working for them.. it's good to go over all sides of the opinion, then make your own judgments.. anyways..

Next up is Brave, I can't say enough good things about this company.. First of all if you just go try their browser you'll fall in love, obviously it's super functional!! It blocks the ads, stops trackers, the overall experience is a total delight.. You can surf the Web on a Tor Browser as well that they offer for total privacy.. Reminds me of when I first started using the internet and there wasn't one ad or fricken popup, ya just surfed the web, could look at info, and get your work done.. Have to point out one very special thing, when picking a company, sometimes think of it as picking a sports team, you look at the players, the people involved in the team, and ya see what's up with that first.. When i started to look into Brave, and the team at BAT "Basic Attention Token".. I noticed one cool thing right off the bat "no pun intended lol" that one of their key players is the inventor of JavaScript.. I sh*t you not, that was a big eye opener when researching teams and companies. Brendan Eich has been in this game for a very long time and obviously makes great products.. JavaScript is used to build most of the websites we look at today, so it makes sense this would be another one of his projects and products.. Ok, enough jockin Brendan Eich lol.. Back to their web Monetizing, right from the get go I earned BAT Token, which was a good sign.. BAT is a cryptocurrency so I can exchange the BAT Tokens for usd if I like through Uphold exchange.. But you get paid if people tip, sometimes they do Grants, or if you're on their regularly viewed sites list tips come your way. There are a few ways I've noticed that BAT somehow gets into my wallet.. You can Monetize your Youtube, Websites, Twitch account, Twitter, and they seem to be adding more.. Again, many avenues to get paid through with them. Which obviously I liked ha.

But with social networking being such a big craze, we should get a few bucks here and there for building up those sites.. Cause in reality, every time you post something, liking someones comments, share a page, you are Building that companies site up and making new links for them.. They should be giving you stuff more often really, cause you earned it.. That is another reason I see web monetization becoming an even bigger market in the future, people are starting to wake up and realize that their content is worth something.. So I guess out of this blog, you can tell that Brave is number one choice for web monetizing, but I'm not stubborn over earning money, so a little secret is, I use all these things to make a buck, just incase and see which ones pan out in the long run..

p.s these are all my own blunt opinions, that's how I roll, just like to share them. June 2019
